When can I enter the Webinar I'm attending?

Enter your webinar 15 to 30 minutes before the start time, or at the exact start time.If you arrive early, you can wait on the webinar landing page before being able to enter your event

To join a webinar, you will need to click on theVIEW WEBINARbutton in the registration confirmation and reminder emails or by simply clicking on the personalized link within the emails.

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After clicking this link, you will be directed to the webinar landing page, where you will find theENTER WEBINARbutton to join your webinar.

Normally, attendees and guests can enter the webinar15 or 30 minutes before the start time(depending on the selection the host made for your particular web event) or at the exact start time.If you arrive early, just wait on the webinar page and wait for the enter button to appear.  When the webinar is open, you will see agreen enter button

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If youdo not see the green "Enter" buttonafter the start time,please refresh your page.You will also be given asystem check.Whether you pass or fail will not prevent you from entering the room.

Important note:Waiting Rooms may be enabled by the host.If they are, attendees will  "enter" at the same times as listed above, but may not actually be in the live webinar room.The host will need to open the webinar for attendees to enter the live room.

If you experience any difficulties entering or do not see the enter button, please contactsupport@bigmarker.com.
