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Why aren't Facebook pixels tracking conversion events to my BigMarker confirmation page?

Facebook's recent updates in response to the iOS 14 security measures implemented across Apple devices has restricted the number of pixels that we can approve for conversion event usage.

Previously, many of our customers have used tracking pixels to measure conversions from their Facebook ads to the BigMarker event confirmation page, so that they can evaluate the success of their social media marketing campaigns. These are called "web conversion events" on the Facebook Business Manager portal.
However, Apple's most recent iOS 14 update and privacy policies have placed new restrictions on how companies can use ad personalization and performance reporting. Facebook's recent updates in response to the iOS 14 security measures implemented across Apple devices has restricted the number of pixels that we can approve for conversion event usage.
Each domain that goes through the verification process receives a set number of pixels that Facebook will allow us to track, and we are already utilizing the max amount of pixels that can be associated with the BigMarker domain.
This change implemented by Apple iOS 14 and Facebook means that only white-label customers, who are hosting BigMarker events on their own company's white-labeled domain, can track conversions to BigMarker using Facebook pixels.
If you are hosting an event on the BigMarker domain, you will not be able to use Facebook pixels to track conversion events to the BigMarker confirmation page.
This is because your tracking pixels are hosted on a Facebook account that does not match the BigMarker domain to which you are tracking conversions. In order to track conversions you would need a white label BigMarker account with your own custom domain.If you are interested in a white label account, please email our sales team at sales@bigmarker.com